For the first time, the agency is publishing a detailed breakdown of fishery expenditure online. It makes interesting reading for any angler.
"We are frequently asked how we spend your money to improve fisheries," says an online report entitled Where Your Money Goes.
"This report shows how, in 2009/10, we use our funds to improve and protect the environment for fish and those who enjoy fishing. It explains how our fisheries work is funded and shows how we invest your money."
The document, which went online today, says the EA fisheries department wants to see more fish, more people fishing and more satsified customers.
As well as £24m from rod licence sales, the EA also received a £9.4m government grant and £800,000 in "miscellaneous income" last year.
It spent £7m of rod licence revenue on improving fisheries, with so-called partnership funding from other sources boosting the amount to £13m.
Anglers have long believed the EA spends more money on maintaining salmon stocks than projects aimed at improving coarse fish populations.
The report reveals the agency spent £6.4m on coarse fish, £2.1m on salmon and sea trout, £600,000 on eels and £3.8m on projects designed to benefit "multiple species".
Regionally, the amounts spent range from £2,7m in the north-east, to £900,000 in the Midlands and £700,000 in Wales.
The EA spent £6m on projects aimed at getting more people fishing last year, such as coaching schemes. The north-east (£1.7m) and Wales (£1m) accounted for almost half this money.
+++Read more. For a summary report, click here. For the full report, click here - NB large file, may take time to load.
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