Sunday 16 January 2011

Pike angler asks are trebles getting smaller..?

Probably one of the more surreal questions which has ever found its way into the pages of Pikelines, acclaimed members' magazine of the Pike Anglers Club.

But in an article set to feature in the forthcoming winter edition, Neville Fickling asks whether treble hooks are getting smaller.

Some companies' sizes have always seemed smaller than others - ie size four Partridge hooks were more like sixes from other firms.

Neville says: "Today's size eights are definitely 10s and unless you are fishing for micro zander are utterly useless. For most of my deadbait fishing I'm on size fours these days."

Neville adds his current hook choice - Gamakatsu G-Points - aren't available in larger sizes. So bigger baits mean a switch to size two Owners.

Owners are sharp, strong hooks. No argument there. Buy size fours - more like size sixes of yore - and you end up with seven. Still enough for three and a half traces in old money.

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