Armed police and a helicopter were scrambled after anglers reported a group of men trying to shoot fish in the waterway near March, Cambs.
The arrested man, believed to come from Kazakhstan, was held on suspicion of discharging a firearm within 50ft of a public highway and later released on police bail pending further enquiries into incident, which happened last month.
Cambridgeshire police said: "We had a report that a man had fired a shotgun into the river.
"The member of the public who called us had expressed concern about what was happening. The arrested men was with some other men and the gun had been put in a car by the time we arrived."
The Daily Mail reports: "The issue of immigrants, particularly Eastern Europeans, taking freshwater fish to eat is considered a serious threat to British freshwater fish stocks.
"A difference in culture means that while most British anglers throw the fish back, for some visitors they are a popular source of food."
Story here. News of the latest incident comes just days after dead pike were found tethered on a drain near Boston.
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