Saturday, 27 February 2010
Pikelines - the archive goes online
They're a truly fascinating picture of how pike fishing and the club that defends it have evolvced over the years.
Click here for a sample copy from 1980.
Learn to fly fish for pike at Piking 2010
Click here for more on the day's line-up of speakers and venue info.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Sign up for three years - save and win a pair of rods
You could plump for a pair of the formiddable Big Bait 3.5lbs TC (RRP £119.99), a pair of Pike Tamer boat rods (RRP £89.99) or a pair of lure or jerkbait rods (RRP £69.99 - £74.99).
Membership secretary Chico Winterton said: "The PAC wishes to thank Free Spirit for their generosity.
"Free Spirit rods are fantastic pieces of kit and will serve the winner for years and for many fish to come."
Click here for details of our three-year membership package, and save £6 on paying annually.
Click here for more on the rods.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Pikelines pays tribute to Barrie Rickards

Pike were routinely thrown up the bank before Barrie and his cohorts launched a campaign to conserve them in the 1970s.
The club they founded became a powerful conservation force, which has won many battles on behalf of predator anglers and the fish they target over the last three decades.
Every pike angler owes a debt to Barrie, who lost his fight with cancer last November. His partner Mandy Lyne told Pikelines: "I hope you all value and cherish that wonderful asset you all share, the love of angling and the cameraderie of the angling community.
"It is particularly special. Take care of each other and keep up the good fight."
Don't worry Mandy. We will.
Menteith cancelled on February 27
We have a new date of Saturday, March 13.
If you were drawn to fish next week's event, contact Mick Crisp to let him know if you can make the re-scheduled event -
e-mail subscribers, please note
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Take better pike pictures with our guide

Not even today's idiot-proof cameras caneras guarantee a perfect shot of your new PB or first 20 from a new venue.
But our guide to taking better pike pictures might just help. Click here for a gander.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
BREAKING NEWS: Menteith could be off
"There is a strong possibility that this event may be cancelled due to the ice on Menteith which at the moment is getting thicker," he told the PAC members' forum.
"I will contact everybody who is fishing if it is definitely cancelled, but please spread the word that it is looking dodgy at the moment."
MP lobbied in zander killing row
It comes as EA officials say they won't enforce the law, because zander were lawfully stocked by their predecessors.
In today's Eastern Daily Press, journalist and predator angler Chris Bishop writes:
"Anglers in the Fens and further afield are unanimous about one thing. Zander need the same protection as any other species of predatory fish swimming in our waters.
"There's been no new ruling saying anyone's got to kill them. Natural England have recited a 21-year-old law no angler has ever taken a blind bit of notice of.
"No-one's ever been prosecuted for returning zander. And the Environment Agency says it has no plans to do so, because they were lawfully introduced by its predecessor.
"More worrying is the exception being made under the provisions of new national fisheries by-laws, governing fish removal. Zander are classed as an alien species.
"That doesn't mean there's a legal requirement to kill them, under this new legislation. But no limit's been placed on how many you can kill should you be so inclined. Club bailiffs fear this will undermine their efforts to police their waters.
"How we define alien is an important question. Peel this one back to its logical conclusion and we'd have to include carp - an alien species first brought to our shores by Medieval monks.
"Hundreds of years later, carp are part of the furniture, where fishing's concerned. Imagine Natural England saying you've got to bonk them on the head because their parentage gets a bit dubious if you go back far enough.
"Zander too have undoubtedly found their own niche and settled in alongside both their prey and fellow predators without upsetting the ecology of our rivers."
More here and here.
Pike angler Peter turns down cash offers
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Check out our gallery for some inspiration
Click here to see some some of our members' latest pike captures from Lincolnshire and the River Tees.
Pike anglers in hunt for Yorkshire monsters
Do monsters lurk beneath the waters of a South Yorkshire beauty spot..?
Pike anglers hope the big ones will be feeding when they stage a charity fish-in at Damflask Reservoir, near Sheffield, next month.
Similar events on the 115-acre Yorkshire Water-controlled lake in the past have raised more than £4,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
As well as raising money for Macmillan, those taking part on March 7 will be hoping to tangle with one of the reservoir's legendary big pike, which include a 40lbs specimen caught last season.
Wakefield-based angler Peter Green, local organiser for the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain (PAC), said: "It's set in the Peak District national Park, making it a beautfiul place to sit and fish, with some lovely scenery at this time of year.
"Let's make it a great social event, with a good turn-out and continue to raise money for the Macmillan nurses, who in turn may well help a member of your family at some time in your life."
Tickets for the event, which is open to both members and non-members of the PAC, cost £10.
Sponsors including ET, Pikemaster Traces, Mark Houghton, Fishing Matters Ltd and Chico's Lures have donated raffle prizes for a post-event presentation at the Wisewood Inn, in nearby Loxley.
For further details or to book a place, call Mick Crisp on 07971 637950.
Monday, 15 February 2010
EXCLUSIVE: PAC Convention venue revealed
Eric Edwards, Mark Ackerley, Julian Chidgey and Ant Glascoe will be sharing the speakers' bill at the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain's annual convention, at Kettering Conference Centre, on Saturday, September 25.
Convention organiser Colin Goodge said: "We've done our best to offer something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned pike angler or a newcomer to this exciting branch of our sport.
Four top predator fishermen, talking about their way of fishing plus great pictures of some great catches, a really exciting line up of speakers that cannot be seen together anywhere else, is surely not to be missed, plus a chance to ask them questions on that now famous Neville's Panel.
"As this year's organiser, I feel we have moved to yet another really exciting venue, the new Kettering Conference Centre, a really up to date centre, that boasts a 562-seater tiered theatre large trade area, bars, refreshments, free parking and to complement all that a lake, all this wonderfully situated alongside the A14 at junction 8, which links the A1, M1, in the heart of England just 55 minutes from St Pancras International and Eurostar.
"I feel that this year's convention could well prove to be a great day out for all those keen predator hunters one not to miss, so make a note in your diary for September 25, keep your eye on our website and in our magazine Pikelines."
Trade stands will have all the latest tackle for just about every form of pike fishing, from both
the big names and some of the smaller independents like rod and lure builders.
More on venue, directions etc here.
Ticket prices and other details of the day are still being finalised.
+++Subscribe to this blog to get all the latest info on the Convention and other news from the Pike Anglers Club direct to your inbox.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
Welcome to our new blog
We'll be using it to let predator anglers know what we're doing on their behalf - and as a campaigning platform to spread the word about the role that pike and other predatory fish play in the ecology of our waters.